Daily December Heart Guide
Is Christmas coming so fast that your heart hasn’t had a chance to catch up? Join us for a Centered Christmas with short daily reflections meant to center your heart and help you connect with God this December. With spots for journaling and questions to reflect on...
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Help Me Believe
It was way too early to be up and Samantha crept out of her room. “I forgot to make my lunch last night.” “Oh, that’s okay, honey. We can do that in a little bit. We have plenty of time.” She went back to bed and I came in a couple of minutes later to lay with her. “I...
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What To Do When God Gives You The Opposite of What You Ask For
God can be trusted, I know He can...yet sometimes I can’t believe what seems to be happening around me. So what can we do when it just doesn’t make sense or when we are just plain disappointed? Maybe even when we wonder if God got this one wrong. Tell Him the truth...
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He’s Still There
My new favorite morning spot is a swivel chair in my living room. I grab my coffee, turn the chair towards the windows and watch the sunrise over our grassy field. It’s quiet, and every morning has something new to see, but the sunrise is constant. Today, as I watched...
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What Is God Resurrecting In You?
You may have heard it said, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" Okay. But how? What does that even mean? What it means is that areas of your life that seem rotten, God can bring new life to. Areas that seem dead, He...
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