You may have heard it said, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

Okay. But how? What does that even mean?  

What it means is that areas of your life that seem rotten, God can bring new life to. Areas that seem dead, He can awaken. Things that He is asking you to do, that you could never do on your own, you can now do.  

Being resurrected is being awakened. We are awakened by the Holy Spirit in us. We are filled by the Holy Spirit and fully supplied and if we will let Him, He will move and lead and give us new life.

This isn’t something you need to get figured out or have special words to say to make it happen. There is no formula, but a pattern…there may be a pattern. 

We ask and let and say yes.

Ask God to teach you about being fully supplied and ask to be fully supplied by Him.

Let Him. Drop the resistance and allow God in. Quiet the things in your life that are loud (no, not your kids; yes random Google searches about things that don’t matter) and let God fill you.

Say yes. That is how we obey. My obedience often looks like, “Okay, God.” And then proceeding. “Okay” and then taking another step. It’s softer than I would have expected, it’s less dramatic and it’s often, “Yes and okay” to very small and minor things. But it builds a pattern of a life lived with God. The “Us” life.

It’s how we learn to live led. It’s how we learn to live fully supplied, content, peace-filled, steady and life-giving lives; full of mercy, grace and deep-seated sustainable joy.

It’s not us. It’s Him. 

Let me whisper…it’s the resurrected life and it’s available to you. 

