Let’s Be Careful Where We Place Our Hope

Let’s Be Careful Where We Place Our Hope

I was looking back at some posts from the last couple of years. Everything pre-pandemic seems like a lifetime ago, but there is one I have thought of a lot during this time. It was about Noah’s Ark and the last sentence says, “The rains will come, and when...
Feeling Conflicted?

Feeling Conflicted?

If you asked me how I felt, for weeks I have been saying, “It’s just all so weird.” I couldn’t quantify what was happening all around us and even in my heart.  As I listened to a talk and the speaker said, “It’s okay to let all of your feelings...
Mexican Corn Salad

Mexican Corn Salad

This is my son’s very favorite side dish during the summer.  There are a lot of ways to make Mexican Corn Salad, but the version I like to make leaves out the creaminess of mayo or sour cream and just goes for the fresh summer ingredients.  I could eat this...
Monday Night Live 8:30pm CST

Monday Night Live 8:30pm CST

Monday Night Live. It starts tonight at 8:30pm CST. What is it? Well, think of the friend that you weren’t sure you actually wanted but who spurs you on towards being who God created you to be. That’s what we want to make available to you. Sound...
You Have Permission To Be Human

You Have Permission To Be Human

This has been hard, and a two-hour pedicure isn’t going to make it all better. Life has just kept going as we continue pressing in full throttle to keep our homes afloat. We may need to pull back and give ourselves permission to be human. Not permission to yell...