I Will Not Do Petty

I Will Not Do Petty

I will not do petty.   This is rule number two that I have when it comes to how I will choose to live. It guides my mind and protects my heart. I will not be consumed by things that are not a big deal or won’t be changed by my participation in them.   My mom has given...
Are We Self-Medicating?

Are We Self-Medicating?

We can mask the void with anything: wine, Target, exercise, talking about other peoples’ issues so we don’t need to focus on our own, Instagram, Pinterest, work, or even just busyness. Our souls cry out to be made one with our God, and when we fill the gaps with other...
Who Are You Looking To?

Who Are You Looking To?

I sat behind Teddy watching him emulate one particular middle school boy who is the apple of his eye. During song time, he insisted on sitting away from his three year old friends and with this kid’s group. When the older boy would dance, Teddy would dance. When he...
I Will Make Generous Assumptions

I Will Make Generous Assumptions

I asked a friend of mine about the dress she was trying to pick out the week before. She had a family wedding to attend and the family situation was messy to say the least.  I asked about the weekend, knowing the dynamics were messy: not invited to the rehearsal,...
Lavender Lemonade

Lavender Lemonade

Okay friends, no matter what Target looks like, summer is not over!  So let’s keep it going and get a little fancy.  No more lemonade-stand-watery-lemonade.  Let’s make something that we actually enjoy, grab a book, and pretend we are on vacation in our back yards.  I...