We can mask the void with anything: wine, Target, exercise, talking about other peoples’ issues so we don’t need to focus on our own, Instagram, Pinterest, work, or even just busyness. Our souls cry out to be made one with our God, and when we fill the gaps with other vices, we mask that cry. We are vicing with things that no one is going to tell us are a big deal, and at their root, maybe they aren’t…but when we use them to fill the gap that is created to be filled by God, it takes our eyes off the prize, and our best life gradually slips past us. We drift from the gal we know in our gut we were created to be, to a gal who is getting by.

We can’t stop self-medicating unless we have something more powerful to fill that void. We joke about self-medicating, and it’s funny and self-deprecating and even a popular, socially acceptable thing to laugh about right now. I’m just saying there is something better.  

We need to know what God says about us, and when we do, it will align our hearts with the life we were created to live. Let me tell you, that life is not boring…that life is intoxicating…but in ways that will last. 

Some vices have a grip on us and may be hard to break. God has given us a spirit of power, so knowing that the accusations of, “You can’t stop,” “This is just who you are,” “You aren’t good at anything,” “You need the break,” are not true. Yes, left to yourself you can’t, but with His power, God has already won that battle for you, so ask God to replace those whispers with His truth and trust Him to do what you can’t do alone. 

When you fill your heart to overflowing with the things God has to say about you, then doubt loses its power and your heart can run free.  

There is a “best life,” and it’s close at hand. It’s available; it doesn’t cost more than your Target Red Card can provide and will leave you sober enough to pick your kids up from school. It won’t lead you to numb, it will lead you to breathless. 

There is more than you are currently experiencing, and it is found in the eyes of our God. Find out what He has to say about you. Let Him tell you your story, ask Him to write it on your heart. This is the free life. This is life, lived. This is the life I never knew I always wanted.  
