A Summer of Serving

A Summer of Serving

This year keeps on going in a different direction than we had all planned. I sometimes just shake my head and ask God, “What is coming next?” I mean, we are only six months in… is there a half time to the madness of 2020? But, I think when we look back on...
Where Healing Begins

Where Healing Begins

The hardening of our hearts happens over time, possibly so gradually that we don’t even notice. The beginning of our hearts softening is humility—a willingness to consider that the way we see things might not be the entire story. There may be a narrative that we...
I Have No Words

I Have No Words

I have no words. We went on a little RV trip to disconnect for a bit and came home Sunday evening to an exceptionally quiet Omaha. Everything was closed. We cleaned the RV out and returned it that same evening. There were no cars on the busy streets, no grocery stores...