This is the Day

This is the Day

If you come over to my home you will see a large black frame with a word image on a blackboard. I rotate the image several times during the year to fit the season. This week, I finally took out my “Be Mine” image still hanging around from February and...
Dealing With Disappointment

Dealing With Disappointment

Today should have been the first big Thursday of March Madness. It feels a little strange without the hype of the NCAA tournament, at least in our home. We are big March Madness people! About a month ago, my oldest Cole leaned over to me in the car and whispered,...
St. Patricks Day Fun!

St. Patricks Day Fun!

St. Patrick’s Day obviously looks dramatically different this year. No big city celebrations or groups of kids at school wearing their green.  Change in tradition can be hard, so let’s put some fun in the day! Below is a list of ten interesting facts you can share...
Take Time To Look

Take Time To Look

“Mom, look!” I hear this from my sweet girl regularly as she takes her hand and forces my face toward whatever grabs her attention. It might be a cloud, a bird, or a friend she sees, but whatever catches her gaze, she wants mine to follow. My favorite part...


You say Lovosh, I say Lavosh… it doesn’t matter because they are both correct! Lavosh is a simple, thin, crunchy Middle Eastern style bread usually made with wheat flour, water, and salt. It’s a pretty simple recipe to make and you can find a recipe here to make...