“Mom, look!”

I hear this from my sweet girl regularly as she takes her hand and forces my face toward whatever grabs her attention. It might be a cloud, a bird, or a friend she sees, but whatever catches her gaze, she wants mine to follow.

My favorite part of this is the force she uses. I have no choice but to see and pay attention to the importance in her life. It’s usually something so ordinary, but the way she sees it, it is everything but.

Kids are great at that. They are amazed by the daily. I think that as adults, we tend to stop looking as much. We keep our head down, grinding in the busy, in our technology, in the next, and we don’t stop to look. In the chaos of our days, I believe we miss things that God would love us to see. He doesn’t grab our faces and force us to see His creation and goodness, but I know he doesn’t want us to miss it.

What if this week, we intentionally slowed down and looked – looked at the clouds, the signs of a changing season, or an elderly stranger’s smile. Noticed kindness in a stranger or the scrunch of your child’s nose when they laugh. I think if we started to acknowledge the goodness around us, we would be more grateful and content and less fearful and numb to the world around us.

I want to be a person who stops to look and says, “God, I see it.” Maybe you do too. Let’s not wait for our faces to be forcefully turned to see the goodness which is all around us.

Friends, look up and soak it in.  Gratefulness is sure to follow.  HLLF – 
