I went out to run this morning and Samantha came out in her purple pajamas to run with me. She hasn’t gotten the memo that I run for quiet, but these are the sweet moments when I am reminded to just run with the girl I thought I might not get to run with. I took off my headphones and she said, “Mom, follow me. I’m going to teach you how to run better.” She made little blades with her hands and took off. 

What she doesn’t know is that little girl I’m following behind, she taught me how to live better. Watching God care for her taught me to trust Him better. Navigating through a year of unknowns taught me that God knows better. Watching her learn to read showed me that He rebuilds and restores…better. 

There is a lifetime worth of lessons in that little girl’s stride. Things I never knew I wanted to know. Things about God and His faithfulness, no matter the result. Things about living held when we can no longer hold the things, and in the surrender, we find that we don’t actually want to hold them all.

As her blond hair flies free behind her, it reminds me of how God used her life to free my heart. It reminds me how silly I was to want my own plans, and how generous He was to lead me into His. It reminds me that I would follow Him anywhere because where He is leading is the only place I want to be. 

So yes, little girl…teach me how to run, and I’ll tell you about our generous God who used your big green eyes to set me free. 

