I sat behind Teddy watching him emulate one particular middle school boy who is the apple of his eye. During song time, he insisted on sitting away from his three year old friends and with this kid’s group. When the older boy would dance, Teddy would dance. When he would sit with his knees up, Teddy would sit with his knees up. When he would cross his ankles, Teddy would cross his ankles, looking to the side for the next step on what to do.

Do you have a person around you that you look to like that?

Who are you looking to for your next step? For a long time, this boy’s mom has been that for me. I would look to her to say, “What are we reading next?” Sometimes I may have been more diligent in what I was doing because I felt like she expected me to be diligent, and it caused me to rise up and create patterns that have now become my own. 

Do you have someone you look to and say, “What are we doing next?” Is there someone a few steps ahead of you that you could ask what they are reading? You don’t need to have a big fancy book club about it, just read it too. Text a group and ask what is in their Audible, or ask a gal who knows God like you would want to what she is doing or thinking about. What is flowing into our hearts impacts what flows out, so if there is a person whose heart you would like yours to look more like, ask what they are feeding it. Ask God who to ask if you aren’t sure. I bet those conversations will fill your mind with things you hadn’t considered and may push her to keep going too.

Find someone to follow, someone who might know more or whose faith is just a little bigger than yours…see the carrot out in front of you and run for it. When they jump, jump, when they explore, explore, when they ask, ask.

See what God might have for you in the run together.

If you aren’t sure who you could ask…here is my current Audible list. Try one of these out and maybe ask a friend if she wants to read one of them with you! 
