None of this craziness is surprising to God. He is big and expansive and powerful. But, He is not distant, and He is not absent. God will make His home in our hearts as we trust Him.

When we trust Him, He becomes our place of rest. Like the warmth of a fire, His love and security surround us. When we experience God as our home, He becomes a place of soul rest and connected to Him, we feel settled.

When we experience God as our home, we long to return to Him when we are away. His open arms, unchangeable love, and understanding become our comfort. Like the smell of our parents’ house, the fragrance of His truths make us feel at home.

In Him, we find security and acceptance. Rather than earning our position, our place as His child is secure. Like our grandmother’s eyes light up when we walk into the room, when we experience God as home, His eyes search for us, and when they meet ours, we are embraced by His welcome.

When we experience God as our home, we put our feet up and find our rest in Him. We find where we finally fit and where we belong because we are His and He is ours.

Just as the door is always open to our children, God’s invitation to life with Him is open as well. There is a spot for us at the table. It can’t be earned; it is available because of His great love for us. When we stray, He eagerly awaits our return and would be even more pleased if we would choose to stay.

God is inviting us to a life of stability, purpose, and love. A life where He is our constant companion, and we can live free from fear. God wants to be our home. It is the reality He invites us to. It is the experience He longs for us to call our own.

