So this is seriously the “cooler” way to make corn.  Ha!  Okay, enough “corny” puns.  Well, that was one more. (My father-in-law is going to love reading that 🙂 ) Anyway, summer and corn on the cob just go together!  But, making it for big gatherings is a little tricky.  You can only boil, grill, or microwave so many ears at a time.  Last year my sister taught me this trick, and it is going to be your new favorite way to cook corn this summer!  It is unbelievably easy and just the perfect side to feed the masses at your next gathering.  I can’t wait for you to try it!

Cooler Corn

Step 1:  Clean out the cooler and husk the ears of corn. You can have several dozen ears if your cooler is large enough.  Lay the ears of corn right on top of each other in the cooler.

Cooler Corn

Step 2:  Boil enough water to cover the corn.  Pour boiling water over the ears of corn,  shut the lid of the cooler and let cook (ignore it) for 30-45 minutes.

Blue cooler, hllf

Step 3:  This is the great part… you are done.  You can leave the corn in the cooler for about 90 minutes before it gets too chewy.  Slather on some butter and salt and enjoy!

Little girl eating corn, hllf, the feed

