The Best Friendship Ever

The Best Friendship Ever

God can be your friend. Ugh. If you told me that a year ago, I would have agreed with you…of course I agree with that. It sounds like something I would have repeated in Sunday School. But what does it mean? To me, “I am a friend of God,” meant we were on...
Fire Up Some Friendships

Fire Up Some Friendships

I still have no friends. With social media and busy schedules, our lives can be full of people…but a barren wasteland when it comes to friendship. We have plenty of people who heart pictures of our kids and awards and comment on how old they are getting, but how...
Cooler Corn

Cooler Corn

So this is seriously the “cooler” way to make corn.  Ha!  Okay, enough “corny” puns.  Well, that was one more. (My father-in-law is going to love reading that 🙂 ) Anyway, summer and corn on the cob just go together!  But, making it for big...
Be Still

Be Still

Sometimes, I just don’t have the words.   I sit down to write and nothing… I sit down to pray, and my heart is overwhelmed, but the words just don’t come.   Being one who always seems to be on the move, this is something that is...
I’ve Got No Friends

I’ve Got No Friends

“I’ve got no friends.” I found myself sitting with a younger mom at a baby shower. Her kids were with her husband and she could finally linger to chat. “Well of course you don’t. You have three kids under the age of four.” I remember that feeling…when you could...