by Kirstin Ricketts | Nov 1, 2019 | All The Things, Faith Matters, The Blog
I am finding as I choose to inventory what I’m thankful for, it extends the moments, making them last longer as I linger and appreciate them. Let’s return to grateful. Try taking out a little notebook and starting a list. As I notice the truth of what is...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Oct 30, 2019 | The Blog
For Halloween, we usually wear family costumes: we pick a theme and all of our kids dress around it. As we hashed out the Halloween costumes this year, there was a lot of discussion from our kids about how the family costumes could be too embarrassing for their school...
by Melissa Cheatham | Oct 29, 2019 | Children, Family, The Blog
Smartphones and kids. It seems to be a debated topic these days. Some parents would say that the cell phone has made their lives easier. They worry less about their kids when they are not with them and can stay connected with activities with fewer mistakes. Maybe so....
by Kirstin Ricketts | Oct 28, 2019 | Faith Matters, The Blog
As the air turns and it becomes cool, I notice the leaves on the burning bushes around our home are starting to turn red. Their leaves begin to change one by one, some more quickly than others…but little by little, the season is changing them. As the air feels...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Oct 25, 2019 | Faith Matters, The Blog
As I listen to a rhyme that my kids are singing in unison, it makes me cringe because it reflects the desire to push the envelope just past what’s appropriate. At that moment, I must choose how to respond: Don’t sing that because you are better than that?...
by Melissa Cheatham | Oct 24, 2019 | The Blog, The Feed
One thing I love about the changing of the seasons is the different recipes that follow suit. Every year we tend to make the same things in the fall, sort of food traditions, that make the season that much better. One of our fall favorites is Caramel Apple Dip! It’s...