Worthy Moments

Worthy Moments

I think that Instagram is a beautiful place. I like to post pictures of my kids on Instagram because afterward they all get sent to an online photo keeper called Chatbooks.  Every 60 images, like clockwork, it will automatically create a little book with physical and...
Marriage Mantra

Marriage Mantra

We cheer at the excitement of new love at weddings and why?  Because it’s beautiful…two people starting their adventure together.  Then a few years in everyone starts saying “It’s so hard.” If “It’s so hard” was your life, we wouldn’t tell you to quit your life....
Fall In Love…Choose To Stay

Fall In Love…Choose To Stay

You complete me.  Oh, Jerry McGuire. When we are looking for love, isn’t that what we want? Someone to make us whole. To fill the gaps and make us feel like we are not alone in this big, crazy, scary world.  So we look for the one to complete us and then at our...
February Reset

February Reset

What is it about this time of year that brings out the crazy in my kids!  I see rudeness and entitledness start to creep in and the way we communicate to each other tends to go downhill.  Is your home that way too?  I would like to think that it’s not just mine. 🙂...
Love Languages Quiz

Love Languages Quiz

Valentine’s Week can be tricky. If you’re single, it can throw you onto the “Will I Ever Find Love?” train. Newer couples, you have to beat your loved one’s last Valentine’s Day. Married couples, the restaurants are crowded and...