Give It Time To Develop

Give It Time To Develop

I have jumped in on the quarantine craze of bread making. I don’t do anything fancy, so I just ordered a sourdough starter from Amazon. We watched videos online about how to make it and we gave it a try. I figured if nothing happened, this $8 bought us a few...
Maybe It’s Time to Quit

Maybe It’s Time to Quit

Maybe it’s time to quit something. During this quarantine, we have all been forced to break out of our routines and pause on a lot of things that have been a part of our rhythms for years.  Activities, committees, gatherings…. some of these things are missed,...
Would You Rather

Would You Rather

I asked my kids if they were the mom and could do anything, what would they do? Thinking of the unlimited possibilities that were at their disposal, my first son piped up and said, “We think we would rather be the dad.” Nice. Not what I was looking for....
Last Day of School!

Last Day of School!

Oh, the last day of school. I have really fun memories of being a kid and rushing out to summer with all of my papers, end of year awards, and used-up school supplies. It was a feeling of freedom.  This year, that picture won’t quite look the same.  We have...
Your Big Green Eyes Set Me Free

Your Big Green Eyes Set Me Free

I went out to run this morning and Samantha came out in her purple pajamas to run with me. She hasn’t gotten the memo that I run for quiet, but these are the sweet moments when I am reminded to just run with the girl I thought I might not get to run with. I took...
The Same Thing But Slower

The Same Thing But Slower

After a great day on vacation, my cousin always says the same thing… “You know what we are going to do tomorrow? We are going to do this…but slower.” As quarantine restrictions begin to lift, a friend of mine asked what our reentry was going to...