Homeschooling Resources

Homeschooling Resources

This year school is going to be tricky for many families.  Because of the ongoing coronavirus, many parents are finding themselves in limbo as to what to prepare for this next year.  I have been receiving several questions about homeschooling lately, so I thought I...
Be Still

Be Still

Sometimes, I just don’t have the words.   I sit down to write and nothing… I sit down to pray, and my heart is overwhelmed, but the words just don’t come.   Being one who always seems to be on the move and likes to be productive, this is something...
In What Do You Find Security?

In What Do You Find Security?

When we travel, Ella packs her suitcase with her very important things that she can’t live without… her lambie, her blanket, her latest craft. One time she even brought a cardboard paper towel roll with a smiley face written on it. You know, because that’s...
YoUnited States

YoUnited States

Fourth of July is almost upon us, and it’s going to feel different this year. Our country has been through a lot, and emotions are running high in all different directions.  If you are looking to be inspired, with clarity about navigating what’s next in our...