by Kirstin Ricketts | Jan 14, 2019 | Family, The Blog
Oh, sacred mornings. It may be the snooze button or the tennis shoes sitting on my dresser staring me in the face: if I vow to take the best care of what I most value, how would my mornings change? As my two-year-old crept down the stairs at 5:05 a.m., bright-eyed and...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Jan 11, 2019 | Faith Matters, Popular, The Blog
When I let go, I found the free life was just around the corner. My daughter was three days old when we nearly lost her to heart failure. As we were picturing our lives without her, she spontaneously recovered. It was not only her heart that was healed but mine as...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Jan 9, 2019 | Faith Matters, The Blog
The goals we grip tightly in our hands: the next house, car, perfect holidays, vacations, promotions, opportunities for our kids. Always the next thing, more and more. Just as we reach one mark, the next more creeps in: the house could be more updated, the car is...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Jan 7, 2019 | Faith Matters, The Blog
Have you ever noticed as people are living their last days, the trivial things wash away, and their gaze becomes crystal clear? What would I change if I could refocus my perspective and live like my days are numbered? The overflow of my heart often sets the tempo and...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Jan 4, 2019 | Family, The Blog
Oh, the life we try to do alone. As my two-year-old, Teddy, got dressed today, he said his pants were too tight. In frustration he took them off, turned them inside out, and tried again, pulling them all the way up, still unable to button them, yet straining to make...