Oh, the life we try to do alone.

As my two-year-old, Teddy, got dressed today, he said his pants were too tight.  In frustration he took them off, turned them inside out, and tried again, pulling them all the way up, still unable to button them, yet straining to make the whole situation work.

How often when life does not work, do we try to go it alone?  Exasperated, turning things inside out yet doing it exactly the same way? We could live every day like this, and in the end, those pants still won’t button.  They will still be too tight, yet now we will be more frustrated in our desperate attempt to do life on our own.

The secret is found in the ask.

If Teddy had asked, I would have given him different pants.  In my kindness to him, I want him to learn to ask. I believe that God wants me to learn to ask as well. Is God’s help available to us, yet in His kindness, is God waiting for you to look to Him?  

I don’t want to do things the same broken way forever. I don’t want to live struggling to put my jeans on inside out, because I didn’t look up and ask the One who knew the plan.  I am done doing the same things the same broken way, over and over.

This is my New Year’s resolution for 2019.  I am going to ask God over and over and over about things big and small.  Lord, show me Your best and teach me to look to You, every day, forever.

This is the free life.  Live lived not alone but with our God who knows your plan.
