You Have Permission To Be Human

You Have Permission To Be Human

This has been hard, and a two-hour pedicure isn’t going to make it all better. Life has just kept going as we continue pressing in full throttle to keep our homes afloat. We may need to pull back and give ourselves permission to be human. Not permission to yell...
We Limped Over The Finish Line

We Limped Over The Finish Line

The tears welled up in my eyes as I tucked my son’s final week of homework into the bag to turn in to school and I started sobbing. Why? It was just a bunch of worksheets… I don’t know if life changed so quickly and my heart is catching up, or if I’m...
Your Big Green Eyes Set Me Free

Your Big Green Eyes Set Me Free

I went out to run this morning and Samantha came out in her purple pajamas to run with me. She hasn’t gotten the memo that I run for quiet, but these are the sweet moments when I am reminded to just run with the girl I thought I might not get to run with. I took...