The ten most popular New Year’s resolutions in 2019 were:

  1. Exercise more
  2. Lose weight
  3. Get organized
  4. Learn a new skill or hobby 
  5. Live life to the fullest
  6. Save more money / spend less money
  7. Quit smoking
  8. Spend more time with family and friends
  9. Travel more
  10. Read more

Each of these resolutions relies on one thing….us. Each of us being more than we were before. Do you know what I don’t have enough energy for? Being more. 

What if this year we decided to be less? What if we loosen our grip and asked God to be the author of our resolutions?

If we each asked God what His dreams for us are this next year, I wonder if His answer to the majority of us would be that He wants us to exercise more, and then to the next greatest number that He wants us to lose weight.

It makes me laugh as I even consider it because we are settling for a life that is so mundane when God has created us for abundance. He has so much more for us.  

Would you consider making your resolution a yes to Him? Would you consider saying yes, following with the belief that He knows better and trusting the other pieces to fall into place?

Mark Batterson wrote, “If you seek God, the answers will find you.” I don’t know what He wants for you or what you should do, but I do know that when I keep my eyes on my God it takes them off of myself and onto a life worth living.

Who do I want to be in 2020? I want to be His, to pray without ceasing, living in His loving care. And if that seems like a big risk, what I hear for us is, “Be strong, I am with you, just as I promised, so do not be afraid.” That is what the voice of our God sounds like. Join me. 

“Yes, God, I will follow You anywhere.”

