Remember when you were dating, and you freely asked the man you would someday marry questions without either of you assuming there was any agenda? You were learning about each other and dreaming of building a life together.
I believe that if we want to know these men we love, we must continue to be a soft place for them to land and continue to ask the questions!
Here are some ideas to keep building and dreaming together:
-What do you dream about?
-What makes your heart sing?
-If you had more free time, what would you do with it?
-What can I do to support you better?
-What do you think I am doing well?
-What could I do better?
-What makes you feel cared about?
-Where do you feel like you are at in your pursuit of God?
-How can I help with that?
-Do you need more interaction with your friends?
-Do you feel like you get enough of my attention?
-What do you think our biggest area of opportunity is over the next year?
-What do you see as the most significant obstacle?
-If I could devote more attention to one thing, and you could choose, what would it be?
I want to know my husband until our last breaths, but it’s the breaths we take between now and then that will determine the depth of our relationship. I’m going to ask because I want to know, and sometimes he may give me a sarcastic answer because it’s not the right time, and that’s okay. I’m going to keep asking because I love him and I want to know him…not just the 23-year-old version of the man I married or the one I walk by in the hallways as we put the kids to bed. I want to know his heart, and as time goes on, I want to continue to know the man who God chose to guide and protect my mine.
If we want to know, we’ve got to ask.