Let us not forget as the water recedes and the news fades,
Those who are feeling hopeless.
Those who have faced their greatest fear, looked it in the eye, and watched it come true.

Let us not forget

Those who have lost all sense of normal.
Those who have lost their everything.
Those who have watched their dreams wash away.

Let us not forget

Those who have lost their most precious memories.
Those who have lost their sense of security.
Those who have lost their livelihood.

Let us not forget to band together.  
Let us not forget to say you matter.

Nebraska let us not forget that God dearly loves those hurt in this storm.  

This is the time to be His hands and feet.
This is the time to show that Nebraska, God loves you.  

Let’s get to work.

To find our specific ways that you can help visit the Nebraska Strong Website, announced by our Governor just yesterday to help connect more Nebraskans with opportunities to request and provide specific relief.
