Teddy learned to wakeboard this week. He has been the flag holder forever and it was his turn. He sat in the water with his brother, eyes full of anticipation and got up on his first try.  

It was different teaching him than it was the other kids. The others looked at the wake and the waves and everything that could trip them up, and they fell out of fear and distraction over and over. Teddy kept his eyes fixed on me. 

I wonder if there is something in that for us. These summer days can be long and fun, and exhausting and cluttered. We can get lost in them. The generous and kind way of our Maker is that when we set our gaze on Him, He doesn’t ask us to come crawling back to Him. When we set our gaze and our hearts, we will pop right up. God is right there waiting for us.

If summer has meant less consistency, let’s ask God to steady our hearts and our gaze on Him. This has been a season, many of us are tired and worn out and we would want our God to be the one teaching our hearts about what is true. 

Let’s finish the summer well. He wants to be our steadiness.

Here are a few tips that may be helpful as you make your plan to keep your eyes on the horizon:

  • Ask God to show up, look for Him everywhere, and acknowledge that even the smallest coincidence may be Him. 
  • Leave your Bible and notebook in the same place each day, so you don’t waste time looking for them.
  • Have a pen & a plan. (Here is a link to the reading plan I’m following…join me if you would like.)
  • If your kids/work/life is loud, get some headphones and a music source without words to block the world out, so even if you are in a full room, you can hear Him. (Here are some songs that are leading my heart well.)
  • Show up even when you aren’t feeling it.
  • Fill your mind and days with things that will point to Him, from podcasts to music. Choose options so that as God speaks, it is easier for you to hear Him. (This is my favorite podcast.)
  • Give yourself lots of grace, but not excuses. 
  • Always begin again.

Life with God is right there. It’s available to you and God continually invites us to come and see. I believe He has something to teach each of us that we don’t want to miss. 

Let Him pull you to the top of the water. There is nothing to fear. God has got this and He has got you and life lead by Him is the best life forever. 

