I’m feeling a little ordinary. My son Hank is “Star Student” this week. He forgot to bring his poster home for us to do together, so he did it himself at school. (That’s a win.) He asked me late the night before it was due for a few pictures and as we drove to pick them up, I asked him if we needed to plan to come to school. He said “No.” “Hmm,” I questioned. “No Mom, you don’t need to come. The other star of the week’s mom is coming…(long pause)…she is an actress.”

Pure silence from my mouth.

In my brain, I was picturing myself with my jaw completely dropped to the floor. I asked about this “Celebrity Mom” and when I heard myself ask the questions it registered…this actually bothers me.

I was feeling like “just mom” wasn’t very special. “Just mom” was ordinary. It broke my heart a little.

Oh my word…all stemming from one small comment from my son. Yet those whispers so quickly crept in. I can see how waves of worthlessness can sneak in when we don’t have a firm foundation to stand on.

This may sound dramatic, but I found myself needing to look back at how God sees me. “I am uniquely and wonderfully made. God has a plan for my life. He sees me.”

Have you ever felt this way? What do you do with that narrative? One way to keep ourselves from falling down the rabbit hole of despair when these feelings rush in on us is to consider who we are in God’s eyes, repeat to ourselves how He sees us.

I am God’s masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10)

I am capable. (Philippians 4:13)

I am loved. (1 John 4:10)

I am valuable. (Matthew 6:26)

I am an overcomer. (1 John 4:4)

I am a child of God. (1 John 3:1)

These are the things I know to be true, so I’ll choose them…sometimes before I feel them. Repeating them over and over, they give me a place to set my gaze and find rest in who I was created to be. Celebrity Mom or not, who God created me to be is enough, that’s the way I’ll choose to live.  

This is the free life.  This is the life I never knew I always wanted.  
