Do you feel it too? The tightness in your chest as you look at the upcoming calendar? Kids reentering school and everything that comes with it? As I look at what’s ahead, unable to look my people in the eyes…I have to stop. That’s enough. Enough trying to do this on my own.

I can do this life alone, but I am invited to do it with my God. 

God, how do You want to do this? 

I feel the hurt of disappointing others when we quit things and trim the schedule. Still, my no to them is a yes to our freedom. A yes to my people and a pace that is doable, together.

When I ask my God how we are going to do this, what I feel is freedom. His invitation to begin again, together, and this together life is how we were created to live. 

So as we begin today, would our yes be to freedom…would our yes be to the One who makes all things new. His freedom is forever. Would our yes be to the One who sets us free.
