There is a little path by my house that I love, and along that path is a stream where our kids chop up the ice to let the water flow down into the river.

Today as I was running, the stream was frozen solid. It made me wish the kids were with me because everything was frozen so they could have played and their shoes wouldn’t be ankle-deep in mud. As I walked towards the river, the ice didn’t even crack. I sat at the mouth of the stream where it poured into the river, and I heard a trickle. As I looked, there were a few drips where the water was flowing beneath the ice, making it through…not locked up, still making it home.

The song playing on my phone said, “When the night is holding onto me, God is holding on.”

It made me think of the frozen stream and the little drips where water is still flowing, still breaking through. When your heart feels frozen solid, and when your interest in God or anything spiritual seems gone, God is holding on. He is still there. He is always moving even when the ice on top may feel like it is frozen all the way through.

The sun will come again. Our God can thaw the icy parts of our hearts. He wants to. Stay. Ask, “God, will You break through the frozen parts in me again?” And then wait. It causes me to remember that even when I was not pursuing after God, He was pursuing after me. Spring is coming, in the air and your heart.
