Fly little one, 
Run in and see the excitement ahead. 
Lunch and recess,
Funny jokes to be said.

Things to learn and friends to make, 
Letters to write and pictures to paint. 
Books to read and stories to tell, 
Of things that went right…and some not so well. 

Be brave and be kind, all the things that you are,
My heart will run with you as I sit in my car.
I will be cheering when you come back home,
Ready with cookies and the things you have known. 

God has got so many good things ahead,
Bring the truths that you know of the things He has said.
It’s a big day, sweet one, run on in, seize the day, 
When you feel alone, remember to look up and pray. 

His plans for you are steady, in that you can trust, 
In times of excitement and those when you must. 
Fly, little one, there are great things ahead. 
My open arms will be ready to put your sweet little self safely to bed.  
