June Is Almost Here

June Is Almost Here

You guys, I have an announcement to make:  May is almost over and you are still alive. Confetti guns, bring on the parade…or a cup of coffee and a massage chair. This week as I was putting curlers in my daughter’s hair so it could withstand the three outfit and...
Last Day of School Traditions

Last Day of School Traditions

Oh, the last day of school.  I have really fun memories of being a kid and rushing out to summer with all of my papers, end of year awards, and used-up school supplies.  It was a feeling of freedom. Now as a mom, I love watching my children’s end of the year...
Big Dreams

Big Dreams

Time seems to be relative, and this is especially true for young kids.  As the school year comes to a close, I can’t figure out where it went…yet my kids think that a single-digit number of days is an eternity. This morning after dropoff Samantha asked me...
I’m Just Mom

I’m Just Mom

I’m feeling a little ordinary. My son Hank is “Star Student” this week. He forgot to bring his poster home for us to do together, so he did it himself at school. (That’s a win.) He asked me late the night before it was due for a few pictures and as we...
Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket List

There are few days that give me that “Christmas morning as a kid” type of feeling, but the first day of summer is one of them!  There is something about letting go of routine and structure and giving in to bare feet, late summer nights, and forgetting about time as...