Creative After School Snacks

Creative After School Snacks

Okay, so many of you have now sent off your sweet kiddos to school, and as excited as you are to see them and talk about their day, they come home as little zombie monsters. They are tired and hungry people in need of an intercession. Let’s deal with their need...
Frozen Cupcakes

Frozen Cupcakes

These cupcakes were hands down my favorite after school snack when I was in elementary school, especially on those early fall days where you would head out in the morning with a sweatshirt on and walk home a sweaty mess. I had to grab this recipe from my mom when I...
Fly Little One

Fly Little One

Fly little one,  Run in and see the excitement ahead.  Lunch and recess, Funny jokes to be said. Things to learn and friends to make,  Letters to write and pictures to paint.  Books to read and stories to tell,  Of things that went right…and some not so well. ...
Four Virtues for a Great School Year

Four Virtues for a Great School Year

Mommas, we are awesome at getting our kiddos prepared for school. We buy the right pencils, the right blue pencil box, glue sticks… everything on the pre-approved and needed list. Then we shoo them out of the house with a “listen well,” or a “be...
What Calls Us Home?

What Calls Us Home?

My grandfather had a way with animals, especially birds. My grandparents lived on an island in Southern Florida and my grandfather was a great fisherman. When we would return home in the afternoon with a catch, he would clean the fish on the dock. I can still smell...
I Will Fight For The Big Rocks

I Will Fight For The Big Rocks

You know what’s fun? Living for the things you actually care about! It may sound obvious, but I lived for a long time with my jar filled with sand, trying to squeeze in the things I claimed to be priorities, until I put the brakes on life and stopped the...