by Kirstin Ricketts | Jan 2, 2019 | Faith Matters, Popular, The Blog
There was a tree intertwined in the fence next to a narrow path between Sweet Apple, where we live, and the little cemetery next door. The tree looked angry and was starting to engulf the path and break the fence. As my husband cut away at the branches and we loaded...
by Melissa Cheatham | Jul 27, 2018 | Children, Faith Matters, Featured, The Blog
When my middle kiddo was two, he decided one day to cover his entire body with green marker, to be like the Hulk of course. Permanent green marker. The look on his face when I saw him for the first time covered in green scribbles was stone face cold though. He knew...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Apr 16, 2018 | Faith Matters, The Blog
Here is a example of our Virtual Bible Study agenda. We hope it might serve as a starting point as you consider hosting one of your own. We host our study on Mondays at 8:30 pm, so the schedule below is based on that. Sample Agenda: 8:30 pm-8:35 pm: Welcome, remind...
by Melissa Cheatham | Mar 15, 2018 | Faith Matters, Family, Recommended, The Blog
On our list of books on our bookshelf is one called the Divine Mentor by Dr. Wayne Cordeiro. The book itself is filled with valuable, I would even say life-changing, material… but one interesting thing he talks about is that other people can do 95% of what you do in...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Feb 6, 2018 | Faith Matters, The Blog
Lasting joy is found only in a heart fully trusting in Jesus. Running to any other source of joy can trap us and drain the momentary pleasure it was meant to provide. Only in Jesus will more and more good things provide greater and greater freedom. When my trust is...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Jan 18, 2018 | Faith Matters, The Blog
Are you living? When asked, my first thought would be that you wanted me to jump out of an airplane or get into the forest and breathe the fresh air, feel the water from the stream between my toes or take a yoga class. To experience thrills and tranquility to be...