Do you have that spot where you can breathe?

In the hurried, busy, loud and distracting pace of our days, let’s consider a place where we can reconnect, breathe, and get some stillness.

If we let our hearts get still, I believe we will be able to hear our God better. If we are kind to ourselves in the process, and we can clear space in our minds, then our hearts may be more ready to hear what He has to say.

My space doesn’t need to look pretty, but it does need to feel kind. If you need it to look cute or organized or comfy or quiet, do whatever you need so that you have a place. It may be a candle, certain pens, stationery, or soft music.

As I let my heart slow, I notice how a mug given to me by a friend, and the soft blanket around my legs feel like kindness. If I slow and allow myself, I will feel the comfort. Sometimes in the noise of our home, my place is a spot turned away on the couch with my headphones playing instrumental music.

Would we be able to connect with an old friend in the middle of the kitchen, sitting amongst all of our kids and their breakfast demands? We may not be able to connect with our God while being stopped for more syrup and spilled orange juice.

Find the quiet, both in your mind and in the place. Make your space a priority. Stack the cards in your favor.

Consider where hearing from God would be most likely. Not because He won’t speak to you in the tight spaces, but because when you begin to hear from Him consistently, you will see what may have been hidden ever so slightly between time crunches and clinking cereal bowls and you won’t want to miss it.
