This year has been amazing in so many ways, one of which is how many people HLLF has touched. With no marketing or formalized plan, HLLF had over 68,000 page views since the site went live a year ago! This means 68,000 people have gotten a glimpse that there may be more to life than what they are currently experiencing, been encouraged, or learned a new way to connect with their spouse or kids. 

Our hope…is that they have seen a glimpse of hope!

When we started writing, God impressed on us Jesus’s first miracle, when He turned water into wine. With backgrounds in medicine and finance, for God to turn our words into something that could lead people’s hearts towards Him would be this sort of miracle. As we have watched Him write through our fingers and speak His words into peoples’ lives, we believe this is what He is doing…turning water into wine. We would love for you to help us serve the water. 

Each morning as we write, we ask, “God what do You want to say to the people You love?” We believe God loves the people in our circles, and those in yours as well. 

Would you like to share this hope with the people you love or who may be in your circle of influence? We would ask that you consider allowing God to use your life in this way by sharing the words He is giving us to write. 

By being an HLLF Ambassador and sharing these words, you would have an opportunity to point back to posts that you would select to share on social media platforms and give the people you care about the chance to see what they could have in a compelling relationship with God. 

We are looking for HLLF Ambassadors. What does that mean? Read on…

  • A private Ambassador Members Only Facebook Group – an inside look into HLLF where you can ask questions, suggest topics, and be a part of our community.
  • Monthly we will send you an ask to help us spread the word. It may be sharing a post, pinning on Pinterest, or making recommendations to other sites or podcasts we could share with our broader audience.  
  • We promise this will only take a few minutes of your time each month, but has the potential to change everything for someone else, as God shines light into their life.

As we look into the year ahead, would you ask God if He would have you consider joining us?  

How to say yes! to being an HLLF Ambassador: 

  1. Go to the “come say hi page” 
  2. Enter your email and type “HLLF Ambassador” in the message section. 

We will then send you an invitation to join the Members Only Facebook Page!  Thanks for joining us! We are so happy to be in this together with you!
