Well done. So much more than the state of the burgers at the cabin this Memorial Day.
Well done. If we are not careful, it can be what we live for, putting the majority of our efforts into what we are doing. It’s what we casually ask our friends when we haven’t seen them in a while: “What have you been doing?”
As I watch the cars file into the cemetery from our office window this Memorial Day weekend, I see people being visited not for what they did, but for who they were.
I believe God is more interested in who we are becoming than what we are doing. As we become more and more like Him, what we “do” naturally will more accurately reflect His legacy.
Jesus was more than a carpenter and David was more than a shepherd. They were so much more than what they “did,” and so are you.
On this Memorial Day, I am pleading with my God that my legacy would be wrapped in what He built and covered in the follow of our God…that one day my children’s grandchildren would stand at their headstones and say, “My grandparents lived remarkably yielded lives…yielded to the follow of their worthy God.”
That would be a legacy worth remembering. That would be a life well done. The yielded life is the free life. This is the life I never knew I always wanted.