When you pull up Google Maps and type in your destination, it tells you what to do in the next 400 feet. As life and plans seem to be continually changing, I wonder…could we learn to follow God that way? 


Could this time in the pandemic train our reflexes to follow God like we follow a map, closely and precisely? When I’m in an unknown area and I don’t get cell service, I panic. I’m disoriented and unsure of where to make the next turn or if I should keep going. Yet with a map, I have peace. 

God can be our great peace in this disorienting time. 

What if we stop trying to control how things are going to turn out? If we surrender and say, “Okay, God…lead me forward,” and then follow 400 feet at a time, God will be our great, trustworthy source of direction. 

It takes training to teach our hearts to yield in the seemingly small follows along the way. When you don’t know where to go or what to do, with your eyes on Him, take the next step. Could we learn to keep our eyes just as fixed on our God as we do on a map when we are lost?  

2020 is an opportunity to develop that reflex, over and over…as plans continue to change, redirecting our eyes back to Him.

We won’t ever hear the GPS tell us we have “arrived” unless we follow 400 feet at time. If we can’t hear God in the big, pressing decisions, maybe He is just giving us the next step. Practice. Over time, we will learn to hear our God’s voice, and the small follows will lead us to our destination.

Trust Him over and over until He becomes the One you are most reliant upon. 

My reliance was built 400 feet at a time. Honestly, I still don’t know where I’m headed, and I think that’s okay. I know Who I’m headed towards and that, my friend, is all that matters. 

I will follow Him forever…400 feet at a time.

