About five years ago I started slowing life down to notice. It began with some things that were very basic, like how the towel feels against my fingers as I fold it, how the air feels when I breathe it in my nose, how the flooring feels against my feet as I walk. Noticing made me feel alive. I had to connect with what was right in front of and all around me, so I could begin to notice.  

When we make a conscious effort to notice, we may find a world-within-our-world that we didn’t even know existed.

It’s like the detail in the wood that you didn’t see before, but once it’s pointed out, you can’t miss it. It’s the word you hear over and over, and when it’s turned and cupped in your hand like a diamond, you see that God may have an entire story to reveal to you through it. It’s the type of bird that keeps flying by your window that you take as a reminder to pray for your friend. So many truths wrapped up in the “notice.” Yet in the busy, it’s the world you may fly by.

Notice is giving space to wonder. “God, what may you have for me in this?” Or rather the simple obedience of, “God, yes, I see that and have seen that multiple times and maybe that is You telling me something…so God I say, ‘Yes.’ I want to know what You have for me in that.”

In the notice, we hear a song that sounds like a friend, and we send it to her. The notice in our ears allows us to participate in God crafting her heart.

Notice allows us to ask questions when we are looking for guidance and then when we read something similar in our Bible to notice: God has brought this into my path multiple times. Does it mean something? Maybe not, but if it did I would want to know that. Notice.

When we stand with our God would He say to us, “You thought you saw me in too many things, those were coincidences, that was not Me.” Or rather would our God say, “You even noticed that the birds may have been Me speaking to you. Well done.” Notice.

For a long time, I would have chalked up notice either to coincidence or it would have ended at seeing a mountain and connecting that to the greatness of our God.

Then I began to notice that the earth overflows with signs of my God, again and again, with whispers that I can follow to guide my life.

The earth overflows with truth that sings His name. Don’t miss what might lay right before you in each moment.


Words, themes, dreams, nature, songs, stories, injustice…

What could become of your life if you began to notice, and what could you be missing if you did not?
