I sat at coffee with a friend, a friend that I believe in. A friend that is scratching the surface of her faith. 

We talked about prayer. She said she is a “thankful pray-er,” telling God what she is grateful for and thanking Him for His blessings, and I believe it. She is dutiful, and her seek of God is admirable. She is trying, she is doing the things.

It’s exciting to me…because I can see her close to something great.  I said, “I believe God wants you to ask Him for things…for lots of things. Big things and small things. Ask for your kids and for your husband and for yourself. Keep track of what you are asking for and watch God blow you away.”

You know what? I bet He will show up. Not because I’m the gambling type, but because I know God. I know His character, and I know He loves her. I know this life was made to be done with Him and that He longs to do life with her.

Without asking God, she is like a daughter whose father has given her a car and the keys. He’s given her everything she needs to drive, but she hasn’t put the key into the ignition. She has thanked Him for the blessings, she has thanked him profusely for the car, but she hasn’t driven it yet.

Put the key in and drive. Live the life you were created for. Drive the car. 

It does not honor your God fully if you sit in the car and bask in gratefulness. It’s better than nothing at all, but what will make your God’s heart sing like any good father will be to watch you drive, to watch you live the life you were created for…powered by your Father.

Ask for things. Ask for big things. Ask for impossible things. God won’t say yes to everything. His response could even be, “Thank you for asking,” or “Let’s do it this way…together.”

The God that we have heard about will become the God that we know, and the God that we know will become the God that we love, and the God we love will become the God that we trust. The God that we trust will become the God we say yes to, and those yes’s over and over again will be a life lived in relationship with God.

We may feel like we shouldn’t ask. Like we have been given enough and we shouldn’t ask for more. I don’t think anyone would tell you a father gives their child a car just to sit in. Let’s get in the car. Let’s turn the key and drive. 

