The best thing about Valentine’s Day being over is the pressure of Valentine’s Day Boxes being removed from my life until next year. I understand that some have a love for crafts. Somehow, the entire genetic makeup that is “crafting” all ended up in my sister’s DNA, giving me mass amounts of anxiety as the note comes home in the backpacks with the “Valentine’s Box” assignment. I know I can buy one at Target. Yet the way these boxes make my skin crawl has me thinking there might be more to it, and it is at that spot that I want to listen to the whisper.

To me the whisper can be audible…I ask God and listen for Him. It can also be as simple as paying attention to the things that give me a greater emotional response than they should be due. I believe that can be God leading the path and providing for me in ways I may not expect. Sometimes we think that when people hear from God it is always as clear as when He wrote the Ten Commandments on tablets. I find that more often, when something hits me as a little different or stronger than I may expect, that those moments should be noticed and captured, because they may be God guiding my heart and leading my life.

As I am literally squinting my eyes in angst, reading the instructions for the Valentine’s Boxes, I hear the whisper to surrender my time. As my kids are headed into the holiday weekend with a few extra days off, it’s just what I needed to hear. It’s not my lack of craft skills or competing to “out mom” the other kids in the class. For me, it’s the simple take of time that I am currently holding too firmly within my grasp. For you, it may be something else, but if this free life is the life I want to live, I want to hear every whisper, turn it like a precious jewel, and live tomorrow better than I did today.

God will give you everything you need to live the life He created you for, and He will walk every step of the way with you. Just as my kids look to their coaches for their next move, my God will gently coach my life as I look to Him. Today it was the Valentine’s Boxes. This afternoon it may be something different, but I want to live forever listening to the whisper of my God, who promises to be there every step of the way.

This is the free life. The is the life I never knew I always wanted.
