If you set an empty plate this year, God sees you in your pain and your grief. He sees you going to all of the celebrations without the person you love and trying to keep it together, trying to maintain normal for your people. He sees the hole in your heart that you try to keep covered but always seems to be there.

In the pain of “it just shouldn’t be this way,” we may walk with a limp…we may walk with a limp for a long time. Let your limp lead you to the eyes of your Father.

When the world leaves you hurting, there is a place to go, and it is into the arms of your God. There is hope in the hands of the One who holds all things together. 

We can ask Him to fill the broken places. We can ask Him to show Himself to us, to fill us with joy we may not have felt for awhile. 

For those who stake their belief in the hope that is Jesus, there will be a day when there is no more pain, weeping, and sorrow, but as we live in the “not yet,” we can choose to place our faith in the unseen and our gaze on our God. In anxious anticipation we wait for what He promises for those of us who have put our faith in Him, because for us the best is yet to come.

