I wonder if this is a time when the God that people have heard about will become the God they know. I hope so. Ladies, it’s time to be praying. It’s time because we need God to break through. We need him to bring solutions and peace into our homes, and we need Him to break through into the hearts of the people He loves.  

I believe, especially now, people want to be prayed for and to be praying together. I had been a part of a prayer group that meets every other month; the group started to meet virtually last week, and when they were going to take a week off, I felt like God was saying, “Gather your people and pray.” 

God has the best ideas.

We met Monday through Thursday this week, from 6:30 to 7 am. It has been a delight. I wonder if God would want you to start this with your people. My desire is to make it as easy as possible for you to do so. 

Below you will find our best practices, a newly put together Facebook page where you can find our Zoom info and join in if you would like to check it out, and a link to the agendas we used this week. Our goal is to take away the variables and make it easy for you to gather your people and pray.  

Here is how you can set it up. 

  • Pick a time. 
  • Schedule a Zoom call. 
    • You can take a free Zoom training by following this link: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360029527911 
    • They will teach you everything you need to know to schedule the call, share your screen, etc. If you can’t get signed up for a training, send an email to hello@holdlooselylivefreely.com, and I will send you the recording of my training session I took with Zoom.  
  • Pray your heart out that God would bring people together. 
  • Invite people you think would be interested, and those you are sure wouldn’t be. You will be surprised. 
  • Email out the Zoom code. 
  • Prepare a plan for the call.
    • You can see our agenda and links to the songs we used here.   
  • Begin the call by muting everyone’s screen.
    • Explain that everyone starts with their screen on mute. When you would like to pray, hit unmute, pray, and then hit mute again.
  • Agenda details
    • We begin each call with a song to set people’s hearts.
    • Next, we start a “God You are…” prayer. This is my favorite part of the time, because we hear what others believe to be true about God. I might start with, “God, You are my protector,” and then someone might chime in, “God, You are my friend.” We continue until there is a lull and then proceed with the schedule.
  • We end with an encouraging song to send people out into their days. 

Please reach out if you have any questions. We would love for you to participate in one of our calls if that would be helpful for you to see. You can like the “Arise: A Call To Pray” Facebook page and share comments about your group and best practices. We will post more of ours as well.

I know God is winning all over the place, but people coming together to set their hearts on Him seems like a big one. 

Invite away. 

You may be surprised at who is interested in praying with you. You might continue to have it ongoing, or just during this time of uncertainty. Who knows what God might be up to, but as we set our eyes on Him…we are sure to start seeing a glimpse of it!

