A few years ago I was completely overwhelmed… and when I say completely, I mean completely.  To the point my brain could not take the effects of an old concussion and my visual system shut down.  You guys it just shut down!  

I had been staying afloat in all the things… I was helping our company escalate, seeing patients, volunteering, committing to bible studies, growing my kiddos.  I was hanging on tightly to it all because if I didn’t, I knew it would all fall apart.  Or maybe I would fall apart? I only knew life as busy.  That’s where the compliments are right?  Compliments about my teaching, compliments about my parenting, compliments about “having it all together.”  I was letting it all define who I was… and yet I was shutting down. 

In Wayne Cordero’s incredible book, the Divine Mentor, he gives an example of a Yosemite sequoia tree that was several hundred years old.  This tree was massive and beautiful… it looked perfect on the outside, but suddenly it died.  When they investigated why and examined the source of its death, the conclusion was “foot traffic.”   Similar to these mighty Sequoias, we also have fragile root systems.  Foot traffic, the daily grind of one thing after another, wears on all of us. 

Most of us like to think of ourselves as irreplaceable. So we end up in a spin of prideful decision making which results in our roots, our souls, being overworked and unhealthy.  Some of us can maintain appearing perfectly fine on the outside and yet, just like those giant Sequoias, we are dying on the inside.  Have you felt that pain before?

In that same book, Cordero shares that 95% of what we do can also be done by others.  Ouch!  But so clarifying.  If you do the math, that means that 5% of what I do every day…. only 5%… is left to just me.  

We need to find out then what makes up our 5% and relentlessly pursue it. 

As a mom to your children, you are irreplaceable. As a caretaker of your body, you are in charge of meeting your health needs.  As a child of God, you alone are the only one who can have a relationship with Jesus.   

That 5% is a big deal.  Are we willing to let go of some of those “good” defining items in the 95% category to focus on the 5% of our precious essential things?  

When I think about the fact that I am replaceable… and life will go on if I actually say “No” to something… I feel a sigh from my soul.  My roots get a chance to breathe.  I get a chance to grow… and sweet friends, that is where you get to experience more of the free life. 
