by Kirstin Ricketts | Jun 21, 2019 | All The Things, The Blog
As I drove down the road with my kids yesterday, I saw a gal give me a terribly disgusted look. Either she had “bitten a lemon,” as my mother would say, or just seen a unicorn beheaded, but most likely I had done something that upset her. “Oh dear,” I said, my kids...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Jun 19, 2019 | All The Things, The Blog
Who are your five closest friends? In Divine Direction, Craig Groeschel encourages us to consider that, making the point that we will become the average of the people around us. Isn’t it true? There are friends who cause me to rise up, others who cause me to step out....
by Melissa Cheatham | Jun 18, 2019 | Children, Faith Matters, The Blog
When my oldest was two, we were sitting on a blanket outside practicing animal sounds. You know… “What does a cow say?” Smart child replies… “Moo.” Momma claps. You know the drill. Things that you do with your first born that no other...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Jun 17, 2019 | All The Things, Home Sweet Home, The Blog
Please tell me I am not the only one whose kids hate making cards. It’s a disaster. Before bed I put the kids in the office and issued the markers and instructions, “We need three Father’s Day cards.” Hank’s card opened to the left, but I didn’t say a word. The card...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Jun 14, 2019 | Faith Matters, The Blog
My dad calls me darling. His dad called me darling. When I walk into my parent’s house, he always says, “Hi, Darling.” When we experience God as our Father, we experience Him intimately. We experience what it is like to be known and to be loved, to be cared for...
by Kirstin Ricketts | Jun 12, 2019 | All The Things, The Blog
Today you may need to hear…obligatory card holidays are stupid and you are not alone. This weekend is Father’s Day, and if your dad was crummy…know that you are not the only one with three blank robot cards sitting up in your cabinet, purchased because you...