Who Are You Neglecting In the Hustle?

Who Are You Neglecting In the Hustle?

My grandma sent me a letter every week from the moment I went to college to the moment she was physically unable to do so. Twelve years of weekly letters. Amazing. As an 18, 19, 20-year old, I took that for granted. Yes, I appreciated it, but now as a busy momma, the...
Who You Are Becoming

Who You Are Becoming

Teddy walked into our room fighting back sobs. He’s trying to make it through the night in underwear…and 90% of the time he is making it…but not tonight. Mad, the tears ran down his cheeks and he audibly wailed as I walked him down the hallway holding his...
The Best Life Is Right Here

The Best Life Is Right Here

This summer we were at a ranch in the middle of the Arizona desert surrounded by cactus and sand…a pure wasteland. The horses were kept in a huge area where there was room to run, and they were well cared for.  As the kids returned from their ride, an unbroken...
Think Inside The Box

Think Inside The Box

One year for Christmas, my husband bought me a beautiful light green leather planner. I love paper and all paper products, so he usually gifts me something in that direction.  This planner though was an August – December calendar with pages of large boxes to...