It’s Worth The Practice

It’s Worth The Practice

It’s worth the practice. I called my husband’s grandmother to ask about her dinner rolls. After we spent some time getting her hearing aids adjusted, I rushed to write it down. I had never made bread before, so I rolled them out, making them too dense....
Make A List and Check It Twice

Make A List and Check It Twice

Ask God to help you see the ways He is intersecting your days. This year make it an event.   Give this a try: fold a little sheet in half and put it on your table or tape it to your dashboard as a reminder to ask your kids where they saw their God that day. You can...
The Best Advent Book

The Best Advent Book

What is the best advent book to read with your kids this Christmas season? My mother used to whisper rather than yell and that’s when my sisters and I knew it was about to get real. Let me whisper to you, “You will be the best Advent book your kids could ever read.” ...
What Do You Give a King?

What Do You Give a King?

One of my favorite things about this time of year is the Christmas music floating through all of life’s different channels… at the store, on TV, in the restaurants, in my car.  I could have it playing in my home constantly and not become numb to the same musical...
In Perfect Love There Is Rest

In Perfect Love There Is Rest

Welcome to December. I was planning to write about being a blessing and loving the hard people, but rather than adding another thing to the list, do you know what I believe God may be asking of us this Christmas season? He may be asking us to love Him. If we made a...
Candy Making Day

Candy Making Day

In the early ’70s, my grandmother got a microwave. She has always been cutting edge, so she took a two-week class on how to use this magical new technology. During her course, they taught her how to make peanut brittle. For her generation, a coveted recipe was like a...