Lord, I am Coming

Lord, I am Coming

For years I lived not understanding prayer. At all. My prayers felt like I was tossing a paper airplane into the air only to have it flip around and hit me back in the face. I missed decades of a deeper and more honest relationship with God because I didn’t have a...
When the Lights Go Out

When the Lights Go Out

The first few weeks in January seem so dark.  The Christmas lights go out, and we are left with a dark, ordinary world.  In Nebraska, it seems to go very dark and very cold once the Christmas twinkle is gone.  We are the last ones in our neighborhood to turn off our...
He Knows

He Knows

If I’m being honest, the “New Year” might be my least favorite holiday. The old year, good or bad is gone, and the unexpected is coming. This past year had familiarity. We knew what we were up against, and we were in it. But the new year? It’s...
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

The ten most popular New Year’s resolutions in 2019 were: Exercise more Lose weight Get organized Learn a new skill or hobby  Live life to the fullest Save more money / spend less money Quit smoking Spend more time with family and friends Travel more Read more...