The Sweet Spot of Ash Wednesday

The Sweet Spot of Ash Wednesday

As we approach Easter, I want to see Jesus like the characters in the old Bible stories who were climbing sycamore trees, reaching out through crowds to touch His robe, flocking to the hills to hear Him speak. Leading up to Easter, I long to see Him everywhere. I...
No More Spiraling

No More Spiraling

A few weekends ago, my husband was out of town and I was planning on conquering a thick six basketball game, two baseball practice, Sunday church, and one birthday party schedule over a quick forty-eight hours.  I wrote everything down… locations, times, jersey color...
Put The Pictures Down

Put The Pictures Down

I woke up dreaming that I was visiting classrooms in a school and a little girl was holding a picture she had drawn. With her big eyes looking up, it was as if she was saying, “Look at me. I am worth it.” That image reflects our generation as women, maybe...
Belief We Can Stand On

Belief We Can Stand On

We had our first snow that amounted to much of anything recently. It was the bitter cold type of storm, and as I walked through the wind, the air stung my face. I was at a retreat and between the cabin and the lodge there was a large field. Heading to the lodge, I...
My Top 5 Favorite Homeschool Curriculums

My Top 5 Favorite Homeschool Curriculums

If you have read our blog for a while, you might know that I homeschool my three kiddos. This is the time of the year when I often get asked what curriculums we use, and I ask the same questions to others as well because there are so many great resources out there! So...