Where Are Your Tracks Leading?

Where Are Your Tracks Leading?

Last spring when I was out one morning, I heard bagpipes. Living here tucked away by the cemetery was new to me and as I peered over the fence, it was our first funeral. Mrs. Sargent. The bagpipes played and the family stood together in solidarity. The air was as...
Listen to the Words

Listen to the Words

A few years ago my husband and I started something new with our kids.  We picked specific words that we thought each child needed to hear (different words for each kid) and decided to be very intentional about repeating these words over and over to each kiddo.  We...
I Am For You

I Am For You

This Saint Patrick’s Day, my family was getting ready to leave the house. The boys were all dressed in their green shirts, pants, and socks, ensuring that there was no way they would get pinched. Samantha grabbed the green shamrock shirt she had in her drawer and said...
Just One Thing

Just One Thing

Recently, I tried to burn the house down. Seriously. I was multitasking watering plants, teaching my kiddos math and making Easy-Mac in the microwave.  To be completely transparent, it was the Cracker Barrel brand of Easy Mac.  So it was slightly more gourmet with a...
Look For Love

Look For Love

Here is the truth about when I was pregnant with our first baby: I didn’t feel all of the warm connections…I felt like I was carrying an alien. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. This level of attachment lasted up until the day he was born. On the way to the...
Are You More Than A Name On A List?

Are You More Than A Name On A List?

As our website was about to launch after months of writing and editing, there was a whisper in my head that continued to taunt me: doubt. Not doubt in what God told me to do. Not even doubt in the words I had written, because I believe those are His and not mine. It...