The Best Friendship Ever

The Best Friendship Ever

God can be your friend. Ugh. If you told me that a year ago, I would have agreed with you…of course I agree with that. It sounds like something I would have repeated in Sunday School. But what does it mean? To me, “I am a friend of God,” meant we were on...
Be Still

Be Still

Sometimes, I just don’t have the words.   I sit down to write and nothing… I sit down to pray, and my heart is overwhelmed, but the words just don’t come.   Being one who always seems to be on the move, this is something that is...
Tell The Stories

Tell The Stories

When my oldest was two, we were sitting on a blanket outside practicing animal sounds. You know…  “What does a cow say?”  Smart child replies… “Moo.” Momma claps.  You know the drill.  Things that you do with your first born that no other...
God Our Father

God Our Father

My dad calls me darling. His dad called me darling.  When I walk into my parent’s house, he always says, “Hi, Darling.” When we experience God as our Father, we experience Him intimately. We experience what it is like to be known and to be loved, to be cared for...


When you look down into a pool of water, you see the reflection, but the murk distorts the picture. I sit in that spot this morning, as a friend has lost someone she dearly loves and honestly in her terrible circumstance, I don’t know how to reflect what God would...