What is the best advent book to read with your kids this Christmas season?

My mother used to whisper rather than yell and that’s when my sisters and I knew it was about to get real. Let me whisper to you, “You will be the best Advent book your kids could ever read.” 

You don’t have to know all the right answers…if you are filling your heart with Him and setting your eyes on your God, He will fill your heart to overflowing with the things of Himself. Your kids will see that, and your overflowing heart will be more compelling than the most entertaining Advent book.  

We want our kids to know the stories and create a pattern where they are looking for their God, space where they can see Him intersecting their lives and calling out to their hearts. They will look for Him when they see you looking, so an investment in your heart may be the best devotional book for your kids this Christmas season. 

Check out Paul Tripp’s Advent book ($2.99 on kindle). It will only take a few minutes to catch up. Ask God to fill your heart with the things of Him this Christmas. The overflow of your heart will be the most natural words you will ever speak and the best book your kids could ever read!
